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A surprising way Option Line helps PHCs

Option Line in 150 words - Instant Message

Young Lady:  Hi...i talked with you yesterday. I took a pregnancy test...and I’m not!  I just wanted to thank you for your advice about faith and family.  I learned a HUGE lesson.

OptionLine: You're welcome and I am glad!

Young Lady: You guys are doing something amazing for young women. That's great. Thank you! God bless.

One Monday, a Tallahassee center answered the phone to hear a young woman ask about an abortion in the third trimester.  The volunteer Karen spoke with the caller for a long time in hopes of changing the young woman’s mind.  Before hanging up, Karen prayed with the caller.  On Thursday, Option Line connected a caller who had questions regarding a late-term abortion, to the Tallahassee center.  This scared young woman was pleading for help. Soon, this young woman realized that she was talking to the same center she had called 3 days earlier.  She asked if Karen was available, and the Executive Director explained that Karen was out of the office.  As they concluded their conversation, she asked the caller to please consider what they had discussed and encouraged her to call back on Monday to speak with Karen.

Well, she did call back on Monday, but she said that she was at the hospital delivering her baby.  The center was thrilled that she was giving birth to a healthy baby instead of aborting!  Since the woman didn’t have much support, the center scrambled to find all the resources she needed including a labor coach, information on adoption, and even a donut!  The birthmother called before leaving the hospital to thank the center for all of their encouragement.

This story has a very happy ending.  Not only was a life saved, but a woman was saved from the effects of abortion, and a baby was given a new home with a very happy adoptive family.

Option Line is proud to connect callers to centers so they can receive the help they truly need.  Option Line consultants rarely get to hear the outcome of their calls, but each time we send a caller to a center, we pray for the center’s availability and resourcefulness.  We understand how hard it is to “wo-man” your 24-hour hotlines and staff your centers and keep up with current resources and information – but we need you and women need you.  Thank you for all of your hard work and preparation!