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Heartbeat Joins CAM Meeting in Quito, Ecuador

 On October 16-19, 2017, our friends at Centro de Ayuda para la Mujer (CAM) held their 7th Latin American Meeting in Quito, Ecuador. Heartbeat International President Jor-El Godsey had the pleasure of attending, speaking, and meeting with the leaders of the countries where CAM is represented. Leaders from all over Latin America were able to learn and connect with other pregnancy help center leaders in the movement. It was a time of encouragement, rejuvenation and education, with workshop topics like:

  • The Gospel of Life in the context of CAMs
  • The fragility of the woman who wants to abort – physically, emotionally, and spiritually
  • Proposals for healing for women who have been abused or raped
  • Marriage Morality for Defenders of Life
  • Fundraising techniques and testimonials of success
  • Update in the attention to the mothers (cytotec, emergency pill) and its technological and medical solutions

       …and more!

Attendees also heard personal testimonials, including one of a mother saved from aborting her precious baby. The CAM meeting was an incredible opportunity to see the work that CAM is accomplishing for life in Latin America, and simply reaffirmed just how honored Heartbeat International is to partner with such a passionate, life-affirming group.

Jor-El had this to say after the meeting:

"CAMs are a practical, and courageous, response to the scourge of abortion that is happening even in countries where it is illegal. These selfless volunteers extend themselves to bring life-affirming help to those who can only see a pathway of darkness. Their faith and fortitude to uphold the Gift of Life and the Giver of Life is an example for all of us!"

The CAM network is one of the largest regional networks in the world. Inspired by the sacrificial work of Jorge and Magdalena Serrano, these outreaches work incredibly hard to make sure that life is valued throughout Latin America.