LRG Germany

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Hope for Life KL’s ministry is unique here in Germany since we serve the American military population as well as Germans and people from all over the world. About 99 percent of our clients who call our helpline are English speaking and affiliated with the Military. These clients are typically abortion minded and call to ask questions.  Here in the Kaiserslautern region, women may obtain an abortion up to 12 weeks gestation, and there are close to 3,000 reported abortions each year in our community.  There is much work to be done to affirm life and rescue women, babies, and entire families from the devastation abortion brings to their lives.  We have been here for 30 years serving our community to preserve life, and we have recently made some critical changes to our organization to better reach those who need to hear the life-affirming message.  We rebranded from “Heartbeat Crisis Pregnancy Center” to “Hope for Life KL” to project a positive place of non-judgmental help when a woman is facing an unplanned pregnancy.  We are strategically working to increase our online presence since that is where most women turn when looking for help in an unplanned pregnancy.  We want to be the first place they find as they face this life-altering decision.  

Hope for Life KL1

We are making a difference in our community as we hold classes to teach young people about sexual wellness and God’s good design for healthy and biblical relationships.  Relationships are key to changing minds about life and abortion, and we walk with clients until their child reaches their second birthday.  A client recently told us that after talking to us, she had hope about keeping her baby instead of pursuing an abortion.  Another client and her husband had an unexpected pregnancy while they are students from abroad and we were able to support them through providing needed items with a baby shower, which was an answer to their prayers.  

With your continued support, we can all make a difference together in our community as we hold out hope for abortion vulnerable women, educate the young people on biblical sexual wellness, and help those traumatized by abortion to find hope and healing in Christ through His forgiveness.  Thank you for making a Kingdom impact with us!  

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