Displaying items by tag: Live Virtual Classes

Live Virtual Classes

Each quarter Heartbeat Academy offers live virtual classes designed to provide in-depth training tailored to your organization's needs! Taught by our growing team of Heartbeat faculty members, these classes vary each quarter in topic and length, but each invites you to focus on and enhance your expertise over the course of a few weeks. There are no live virtual classes currently available for enrollment, but below you can explore some of our classes that are offered regularly.


 Courageously Pro Life 1Reproductive Grief Care Live Class 1Finding Fostering Major Gifts 1Prevention Community Outreach FOR PREGNANCY HELP ORGANIZATIONS 2



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Finding and Fostering Major Gifts

FindingFosteringFinding and Fostering Major Gifts is a six-week crash course on how to raise major gifts from supporters in your database. In this course, you will learn how to set up a successful development shop, find supporters who are major givers and learn to grow those relationships to ask for major gifts. This class will have a weekly live session, as well as reading and homework assignments with the oversight of your instructor, Haley Limo. Each week you will come together in the live class to discuss your reading assignments, go over your homework assignments and learn important skills to grow your development shop. Through this class you will: 

  • Learn to set up a successful development shop
  • Understand the basics of putting together an annual fundraising plan
  • Find out who your major donors are
  • Learn to grow relationships with your top prospects
  • Be able to ask for a major gift (face to face!)
  • Learn to write a successful proposal
  • Work on putting together an effective thanking strategy

Training Requirements:

  • Participate in live weekly Zoom sessions beginning March 3, every Monday from 12-1 PM EST.
  • Have reliable access to a computer with an internet connection.
  • Be able to devote 3-4 hours per week to the training. 
  • Be self-motivated and comfortable completing additional reading assignments, and activities on your own. 
  • Be able to obtain copies of How to Win Friends and Influence People and Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (library copy is fine).

Your instructor for this live class is Heartbeat Academy Faculty member Haley Limo. Haley is the Founder and President of Least of These Philanthropy (LOT), a boutique fundraising consulting firm. With a background in major gifts development, Haley's desire is to help teach the art of relational fundraising to Christian nonprofits. As the former CEO of a medical pregnancy center, pregnancy help organizations hold a special place in her heart.

 Next Session: February 24 - April 7


Reproductive Grief Care for Clinics


One in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage and one in four women in the US will have an abortion by the age of 45. Although these losses occur very differently, the grief experience is similar and affects men, women, family members and friends. The Institute of Reproductive Grief Care's course for healthcare professionals, clinics, pregnancy centers, universities and social service agencies, can bring hope and healing to hurting people who may be suffering alone.

Objectives/Desired Outcomes:

  • Describe the grief experience after reproductive loss.
  • Identify three compassionate care practices to facilitate grieving for those impacted by reproductive loss.
  • Utilize new communication skills and healing resources.

About the Instructor(s):
The Institute of Reproductive Grief Care® is the global expert in reproductive grief care, offering education, research, expertise and support after pregnancy and reproductive loss. With the stated goal of encouraging the widespread adoption of a reproductive grief standard of care, they provide education and resources to healthcare professionals including hospitals, medical professionals, therapists, social workers and pregnancy centers, as well as community and faith leaders.


 Next Session: February 20 (11 AM - 2 PM EDT)

ConCERT: Consultant Continuing Education, Renewal, & Training

ConCERTLogoNEW"I had no idea what to expect. I have never taken a course online before and from the experience of this one, would definitely do it again... It was wonderful to share with so many like-minded individuals who live their faith each day and see God's hand at work. I was uplifted by this experience."
- ConCERT Graduate

ConCERT is an advanced, eight-week distance learning course created by Heartbeat International. ConCERT is appropriate for any individual currently involved in a pregnancy help ministry who wants to gain confidence and take their current skills and knowledge to an even higher level. The next session of ConCERT will cover consulting considerations, fertility, conception, fetal development, sexual integrity, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, abortion risks, and much more. By the end of this training, you will earn enough CEUs to apply for or renew your Life Affirming Specialist Designation.

 To participate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have reliable access to a computer with an internet connection.
  • Be able to devote three to five hours per week to the training.
  • Be self-motivated and comfortable participating in online discussions, completing reading assignments, and weekly activities on your own.

Please note, participants of this training will be able to communicate with the instructors via e-mail and phone. A downloadable student manual is also provided to help students prepare for assessments.

Next Session: The next session of ConCERT begins February 17,  2025.

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