Sexual Wellness

Heartbeat's Women's Sexual Wellness and related resources are designed to teach women how to walk in sexual wholeness in all areas of their life – physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual. This biblically-based approach to sexuality provides valuable resources, tools, and information for your pregnancy help organization. 

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Abortifacient Effects of Oral Contraceptives

An online course through Heartbeat Academy offering 1.25 nursing contact hours.


Attention Future Fathers: Avoid the Testosterone Trap

1 hr recorded webinar presented by Dr. Joe Malone


Birth Control: Not Without Risks

In this recorded webinar, Dr. Lindsay Rerko will review the common forms of birth control and their associated health risks. We will examine risks from vaginal infections and depression to blood clots and cancer, and take a closer look at current data. 

This training offers 1.0 contact hours for nurses who meet all requirements. Heartbeat International is an approved provider through the California Board of Nursing, Provider Number 16061.

Click Here for Available Subscriptions


Care for the Whole Woman: A Training Series from Heartbeat International

This four part webinar series offers 4.0 hours of contact hour credit for nurses.

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 4.0 contact hours. 


Discussing Sex One on One

This training offers 1 hour of nurse credit for nurses who complete all requirements.


FEMM: Fertility Education and Medical Management Redefining Women's Health

This training offers one hour of contact hour credit for nurses who meet all requirements. 


Fertility and Tests

This one hour training from Heartbeat Academy compliments The LOVE Approach training manual and online training.


Fertility Awareness 101 for Pregnancy Help Centers

This course offers continuing education contact hours for nurses. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provder Number CEP 16061 for 1.0 contact hours.


Fertility Awareness 101 for Pregnancy Resource Centers

This course offers continuing education contact hours for nurses. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provder Number CEP 16061 for 1.0 contact hours.


Guarding Hearts

This one hour recorded webinar will encourage you as you empower your clients to proactively.


Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships

This one hour recorded webinar with Catherine Wood looks specifically at teen relationships.


It's Just Us Right? Undertanding the STI Epidemic

This course offers 1.25 contact hour credit for nurses who meet all training requirements. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.25 contact hours.


Sexual Wellness

Our complimentary Sexual Wellness newsletter reflects our commitment to optimal sexual health and wellness. By shifting the focus to wellness, we aim to engage and empower both men and women with tools for making informed, science-backed decisions while equipping the pregnancy help community to promote sexual integrity and upholding faith-based values within the context of marriage.
