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We are delighted to welcome you to beautiful Budapest, the location of Heartbeat International’s 5th European Pregnancy Help Leaders Summit. You are in for a treat to be with over 55 other life-affirming leaders!

Heartbeat International is the first network of pro-life pregnancy resource centers in the U.S. and remains the largest and most expansive network in the world. Since 1971, Heartbeat has supported, strengthened, and started pregnancy help organizations, including pregnancy help medical clinics, pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies all over the world. Currently, Heartbeat serves over 3,500 affiliate locations on all six inhabited continents to provide alternatives to abortion.

We are a nonprofit, interdenominational, Christian association of faith-based pregnancy resource centers, medical clinics, maternity homes, and nonprofit adoption agencies endorsed by Christian leaders nationwide.

Our Vision is a world where every new life is welcomed and children are nurtured within strong families, according to God’s Plan, so abortion is unthinkable.

Our Mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE.



Jor-El Godsey

Jor-El Godsey serves as President of Heartbeat International. He leads a staff dedicated to equipping, empowering, and encouraging the thousands of leaders and developing leaders of Heartbeat’s affiliated pregnancy help centers, maternity homes, and  adoption services, in the U.S. and on every inhabited continent. He oversees Heartbeat’s core mission to be the leadership supply line for the growing pregnancy help movement worldwide by providing accurate information, training resources, leadership development conferences, programs, and daily support to help affiliates start, grow, and expand their services to women and couples at risk for abortion. 

Jor-El comes to Heartbeat having served in the pregnancy help movement since 1988. He first served as a volunteer at Hope, a pregnancy help center in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Then he joined their board, served as Chair, and then as the Executive Administrator. In 1999, Jor-El became Executive Director of Life Choices in Longmont, Colorado. Six years later, in 2006, Jor-El accepted the call to help Heartbeat International meet the diverse and expanding leadership needs of the pregnancy help movement as Vice-President of Heartbeat International.


Dr. Giuseppe Grande

Dr. Giuseppe Grande was born in Catanzaro, Italy. He obtained his medical degree at the Catholic University in Rome, where he completed his training in Endocrinology cum laude. 

Dr. Grande has more than 10 years of experience in andrology and reproductive endocrinology, with special interest in diagnosis and treatment of male infertility, as an alternative to in-vitro fertilization. He works at the Centre of Medicine for Natural Procreation (ISI) at the Policlinico A. Gemelli Catholic University in Rome.

He is the author of 25 scientific papers in the fields of andrology and reproductive endocrinology.

Dr. Grande is a member of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine, the Italian Society of Endocrinology, the European Society of Endocrinology and the Endocrine Society. In addition to his medical practice, he serves as the Secretary General for Movimento per la Vita Italiano, the Italian federation of pregnancy help centers, maternity homes and pro-life associations in Italy. 

He is a 2019 recipient of Heartbeat’s Servant Leader Award.


Svetlana Jovanova

Svetlana Jovanova has been the Founder and CEO of Lydia – A Beating Heart since its foundation in 2012 and is now the Leader of the Balkan Network for Life. She has attended multiple trainings and conferences with Heartbeat International and is certified in peer counseling. She is LAS-certified by Heartbeat International and certified as a reproductive loss trainer for the Institute of Reproductive Grief Care.


Robert and Sandrina Jurjevich

Robert and Sandrina Jurjevich serve as pastors in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as overseeing the crisis pregnancy ministry, Center For Life LIGHTHOUSE. They have four married children and are especially blessed with six grandchildren. Their ministry experience in the USA, Europe, and particularly the Balkan region, spans over the 40 years of their marriage. The ministry of LIGHTHOUSE is reaching many women faced with a crisis pregnancy, training pregnant moms, and counseling women suffering from the consequences of having had an abortion.


Teodora Diana Paul

Teodora Diana Paul is President of Students for Life Bucharest Association and is part of the March for Life Bucharest organizing committee. She joined the pro-life movement in 2020 and has since participated in, organized, and spoken at various pro-life events, particularly for youth. Teodora graduated in 2024 from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Babeș-Bolyai University and is currently a third-year student at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Bucharest.


Filip Petrovski

Filip Petrovski, from Macedonia, works at Lydia – A Beating Heart helping with their technical support as a software developer. He is also a local missionary with CRU (Agape). He’s married to Alexandra, a family therapist who works at Lydia – A Beating Heart and a new father to a baby boy. 


Vesna Radeka

Vesna Radeka was born in 1974 in Novi Sad, Serbia (formerly Yugoslavia). She attended Philosophical College and received a degree in Serbian Literature and Language. In 2009, Vesna finished graduate academic studies at the Novi Sad Theological Seminary. In 2004, Vesna started a pioneer work in the field of pro-life ministry in Serbia and currently serves as president of A Place for Me Pregnancy Care Center whose aim is to raise awareness about the value of human life in Serbia and in the  Balkans.

Through providing confidential and non-judgmental assistance in a caring and supportive environment she wants to affirm LIFE and make abortion an unthinkable option. In 2015, the center opened the NEST Maternity Home for women who are pregnant or with a baby and without the support of their partner or family. Vesna is married to Nesha, who is pastoring Nexus Evangelical Church in Novi Sad, Serbia. They have three children, Danilo, David, and Anastasija.


Guillermo A. Morales Sancho

Guillermo A. Morales Sancho, PhD, serves as legal counsel, Europe, for ADF International in Vienna, Austria. He is a lawyer specializing in constitutional and human rights law and conducts legal advocacy in Europe to promote and protect parental rights, free speech, children’s right to life, as well as freedom of conscience and religion. Prior to joining ADF International, Prof. Morales Sancho lectured on constitutional and human rights law at the University of Navarra (Spain) and as an invited professor at the University of Münster (Germany).

Guillermo was a visiting scholar at the University of Cologne thanks to the grant awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which recognized him as the best candidate of the call. In addition to his native Spanish, Morales is fluent in English and German and speaks conversational French.


Tracie Shellhouse

Tracie Shellhouse, Vice-President of Ministry Services, began serving in pregnancy help as a volunteer client advocate in 2003. She has served as an abstinence educator, client services director, executive director, CEO, and consultant. As Heartbeat  International’s Vice-President of Ministry Services, she oversees a team of dedicated individuals committed to the growth and development of the pregnancy help movement. Tracie has an M.A. in Biblical Counseling, is a board-certified Master Christian 
Life Coach, and is a Life-Affirming Specialist. Her passion is enabling people to live abundant lives by helping them discover their God-given purposes and empowering them to live according to their original designs.


Gib Wood (Woody)

Gib Wood (Woody) was raised on a dairy farm in Brunswick, Maine. He discovered the joy of a relationship with Jesus while stationed at Sembach Air Base in Germany. In 1978, he was saved at the Rheinland Baptist Church where he has pastored since 

Bro. Woody and Kathy were married in June 1980. The Woods have served the Lord in Germany since October 1986. He has faithfully served the Ramstein-based Heartbeat Crisis Pregnancy Center for over 30 years and has been a frequent presenter at the European summits.


Important Details

A few details to make the Summit an enjoyable experience for everyone:

• Please be on time for all sessions.

• You must wear your Summit badge for entry to the dining area.

• Friday night you will have an option to tour the Hungarian Parliament Building, one of Europe’s most beautiful buildings. Thereafter, you will have time to tour Budapest, and take a ride on the Danube. Dinner will be on your own.

We are glad you are part of the Heartbeat family.
At this Summit, we are happy to welcome the following nations and representing organizations:

Albania Lutje pa Kufi
Austria Save One
Belgium Alliance Defending Freedom Intl.
Bosnia/Herzogovina Glas za Zivot, Lighthouse
Croatia Bethlehem Home
Estonia Light in the City
Germany Hope4Life
Greece Hope Center
Hungary Human Life International, Shout for Life
Ireland Gianna Care
Italy Movimento per la Vita
Macedonia Lydia, A Beating Heart
Malta Life Network Foundation
Romania ROUA, Esterra Foundation
Serbia Mesto za Mene
Slovakia Fórum života, Poradňa Alexis
Slovenia Sara Center
Spain Provida
Switzerland Ja zum Leben
Ukraine  Save a Life




1900-2100 Dinner with Attendees Jor-Godsey (Host)
  Welcome/Introduce Tracie  
  Attendees Introduction  
0630-0900 Breakfast  
0900-0910 Welcome Ellen Foell
0910-0930  Devotions Robert Jurjevich 
0930-0935 Keynote Introduction Tracie Shellhouse
0935-1000 Keynote Jor-El Godsey
1000-1010 Introduction of Sue Berg, Director of Shout for Life  
1010-1030 Coffee/Tea Break  
1030-1130 Workshops A  
  Hotline Conversations Giuseppe Grande/Lara
  Getting the Pro-Life Message Across to Teodora Paul
  the Next Generation: How, Who, What, When, Where, Why  
  Engaging the Board Gilbert Wood 
1140-1240 Workshops B   
  Tracking Metrics: the Why and How Filip Petrovski
  Collaboration and Coalitions Svetlana Jovanova
  Social Media, Sidewalk Counseling and Buffer Zones Giullermo Morales Sancho
1240-1200 Lunch  
1430-1630 Optional Tour of the Hungarian Parliament and Meeting with  
  Vice President Dóra DÚRÓ VP, MP  
1630 FREE time; Dinner on your own  
0630-0900 Breakfast  
0900-0915 Devotion Gilbert Wood
0915-1030 Keynote Giullermo Morales Sancho
1030-1100 Coffee Break/Check out/Summit Photograph  
1100-1200 Workshops C  
  Building Your Team Tracie Shellhouse
  Mission Drift and Resetting the Course Vesna Radeke
  Fundraising Jor-El Godsey
1200-1215 Questions and Answers  
1215-1230 Final Comments Jor-El Godsey
1230-1400 Lunch  


Contact Us

For affiliation services and questions, please contact
Ellen Foell, J.D., International Program Specialist at
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whatsapp/signal +1(614)302-3664



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