Empower Life Grant

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The Empower Life Grant is an invitation-only, operational grant intended to empower both organizations and their clients to transform their communities for life. Good candidates for the Empower Life Grant are Heartbeat International Affiliates in full agreement with the Commitment of Care and Competence (particularly the birth control statement), are committed to sharing the Gospel with clients, and serve primarily clients at-risk for abortion. The commitment to sharing Christ with clients is very close to the heart of the anonymous donor and will play a role in which organizations receive grants. Applicants for this grant receive training on representing their organization well to grantors as well as a complete checklist of what they need for the application. Over $5 million in grant funds have been distributed to more than 500 pregnancy help organizations so far!

The map below shows when organizations in the United States should expect to receive an invitation to apply. Cycles are named for when grant monies are distributed. The Spring application window typically opens in January and they Fall application window typically opens in August. 


Questions about the Empower Life Grant should be directed to Camille Cisneros at ccisneros@heartbeatinternational.org